Online quality validation

We have over 30 year’s expertise and experience relating to quality validation systems.


Qasi control systems develop web based software programs that function on all browsers and mobile systems. The demand for the Qasi control system is the result of many years of frustration in relation to quality registration. The Qasi system is tailored to solving the administrative demands in regards to documentation, audits, education, training, and calibration of data resulting in excellence and process documentation.


Fordi systemet har værktøjer til på en enkelt og overskuelig måde at håndtere alle typer af kravelementer i kendte kvalitets- og miljøstandarder


Fordi systemet kan udveklsle data/informationer fra øvrige systemer (f.eks SAP, Movex, Amic, Axapta, Navision m.v.)


Fordi systemet er enkelt at vedligeholde og opdatere i forbindelse med ændringer I (log)


Fordi rettigheder (administrator, redaktør, forfatter, læser og godkendere) kan defineres individuelt og emd stor detaljeringsgrad




The Qasi control system is more than just a quality control system; in fact, it is a new way of “thinking” quality documentation. Through the implementation period, we train you to optimize your company`s potential.



The Qasi system is a web-based, an innovative design assists you in all processes that are quality control based. Based on the KISS-AA (keep it stupidly simple but accurate and adequate) we tailor the Qasi system to each company`s individual needs promoting a more visible process documentation that fulfills todays requirements for quality control. Qasi`s 30 years of experience guarantee you the markets best quality control documentation system adding value to your company profile.

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